05 November 2009

Planting in a wet area --

A few plants for planting in a wet area...

Trees - Colorado Blue Spruce or Cottonwood.

Shrubs - Dogwood, Alder, River Birch.

Ornamental Grass - Maiden Grass.

Perennial - Iris, Siberian Iris, Mist Flower, Golden Flax.

Annual in our area - Canna Lily

Longmont landscape and snow removal www.berggrenblooms.com

21 July 2009

So, what the heck is it?

It is a Ladybug's larva.

Yes, that ugly bug is a baby ladybug. You might have played with Ladybugs as a child and never noticed these before. They actually eat more aphids as a larva then they do when they reach adulthood. We hear a lot about the benefits of ladybugs all the time but we always seem to see and think of them as the adult beetles only.

Think twice - when you see some ugly creature crawling on your prised rose.

Know what it is before you reach for that all purpose insecticide. Don't judge the creature by its looks because it might be there to help you.

A list of beneficial insects coming soon.

Berggren Blooms Longmont Landscape

18 June 2009

What the heck is that thing?

Who knows what this ugly, nasty looking bug is?

I bet you have these things in your yard!

Please answer by commenting. I'll confirm the correct answer sometime next week.

http://www.berggrenblooms.com Yard care in Longmont

Chillin' in the shade! 10 plants for the shade.

1. White Fir also called Concolor Fir - Tall evergreen tree.

2. Euonymus - Many verities, ground covers and shrubs. Leafy semi-evergreen.

3. Kinnikinnick - Very cool ground cover. Grows all over in the Colorado mountains naturally. They are also very good for fall color.

4. Hosta - If its not protected from the hail it already shredded around here. 'Hosta shredafolia' corny garden joke... Use the light colored green and variegated plants in part sun and the darker gray and blueish plants in very heavy shade.

5. Columbine - Colorado State Flower. Flowering perennial.

6. Bellflower - flowering perennial.

7. English Ivy - Ground cover, climbing vine.

8. Vinca also called Periwinkle or Vinca Major - ground cover vine.

9. Impatiens - great for annual color, annuals

10. Coleus - Very cool foliage plant, annual

This is only the first 10 that came off the top of my head of a long list of nice plants. If you are looking for something in particular please ask me.

www.berggrenblooms.com a Longmont landscaper

13 May 2009

Building your maintenance package

You build your own maintenance service package based on the services you need. The most common services listed. Chose the services and then group them into a package. We total the prices of all the services and divide the total out into easy monthly payments. Choose Berggren Blooms because we are about your convenience!

Our to do list:

  • Mow, Trim, Edge
  • Weeding
  • Flower Planting
  • Lawn Fertilization
  • Lawn Aeration
  • Spring Clean-up
  • Fall Clean-up
  • Sprinkler System Start-up and Adjust
  • Sprinkler System Repairs
  • Sprinkler System Winterizing
  • Pruning
  • Bulb Planting

Your to do list:

  • BBQ With Friends in the Back Yard
  • Read a Book
  • Enjoy a Bike Ride
  • Go For a Walk
  • Sit Out in the Lawn With an Ice Tea
  • Play Ball with the Kids
  • Watch Your Dog Run Around
  • Put Out A Bird Feeder
  • Enjoy Your Yard!

Don't Wait Call Berggren Blooms 303-485-2189
